Monday, July 6, 2009


I didn't put pictures up because well I just don't have the patience at the moment . I'm sitting in my room mad at everything for no reason other than I have know it's bad when you put yourself in time-out. Today I have put myself in time - out 3 times I feel it comin on. My Kids and husband have scattered, my mom won't talk to me. Just because I'm a little CRANKY. My grand babies are the only ones that will have anything to do with me ( they don't know any better ) the Lil darlings that's why I gave LeiAnna my 2 year old granddaughter CHOCOLATE. That'll teach em'. I have come up with a small list of signs that will keep them clear of me for the next..... few days

1. If my head is spinning WALK AWAY
2. If I cry over a toilet paper commercial WALK AWAY
3. If I set my book down in the wrong spot and swear up and down you moved it AGREE and WALK AWAY
4. If all the chocolate and potato chips are gone RUN RUN I may have a melt down!!!
5. If I put the dogs out with a hobo stick YEAH I'VE LOST IT.

My sweet and wonderful husband the most laid back guy I have ever met SWEARS ON EVERYTHING that if this is a preview to menopause he's leaving me, taking the kids, my mom and the dogs and moving.


  1. I will just AGREE with you...and RUN!!

    (love you Missy~PMS sucks...hang in there!)

  2. Hang in there honey, this too shall pass and we'll have our old sweet Missy back

  3. My favorite thing for PMS is Chamomile tea. A hot cup of tea with honey and a little sugar (if you like hot tea). It seems to help the cramps and calm the nerves. Yes, if you are putting yourself in time out its probably time for some stress free time! Hope you get to feeling better soon. Always, Sarah Elizabeth

  4. Hihihi.... Sounds like you are having a great day! I know the feeling (like most of your sisters) and the only thing that helps is LOTS of chocolate (and some red wine if your partial to that). Then if everyone just leaves me alone - I'll be fine in a couple of days!

    Hope tomorrow will be a better day!
    Greetings from Spain
    Please come and visit my blog: Sweeterliving

    P.S. Found you through your sister in law

  5. Oh honey I am SO with you! I knew it was getting bad when my non-shopping husband suggested "I try some Pamprin". It was like that Everyone Loves raymond episode!

  6. HA!! Loved this post!! My head was spinning the last 2 days....I put myself in time out but hubby kept bugging me....bad idea! You would think after 21 years the man would learn!!!

    Why do we get that way?? I feel so out of control.....much better today since IT'S finally here.

  7. LOL, at least we know we get a few days of quiet. I love this post!

    Stopping by from Becky's place. You've got a super cute blog here!

  8. I just caught up. Your post about Karma was wonderful and I love the prince charming pic. You're entire blog is so open and fun. Have you been by the I heart faces blog yet? I think you just might fall in-love!!

  9. Puhlease! You think your family has it bad with you? That describes me all the time!! J/K lol

    I know how frustrating those feelings can be. Enjoyed your post hopped over from Becky's. Welcome to blogging!

  10. Hi there. Don't remember how I got here but I'm glad I did. I think I was reading someone's blog and they mentioned you started a blog. Anyway, have a great weekend.

  11. LOL.... I think that list should be framed and hung in every woman's home. :) Visiting from SITS and your sister in law's blog.

  12. AH!!! Poor thing.

    Well I've found the secret to PMS. Stay pregnant and/or breastfeeding. LOL.

    your sweet sis in law sent us over here.

  13. Congratulations on your new blog. I also hopped on over from your sister in law's blog. Welcome to the blog world.

  14. LOL! I feel your pain about PMS and chocolate. Whenever I start getting all grumbly, I grab a piece from the don't-touch-if-you-want-a-happy-mommy stash and it's all better.

    Your sis-in-law sent me over. Congrats on the blog!

  15. Hello! I just followed the group over from Becky's blog. Very nice to meet you! Had to chuckle at your giving your granddaughter chocolate. Serves your daughter right! ;^)

    You've got a great blog going on over here! I'll be back to read more soon! Have a fantastic weekend!!!

  16. Hi I just found your blog. You have a beautiful family. I love the photo of Cassie at the window. Thanks for sharing

  17. Visiting from your SIL's blog. Hoping all is back on an even keel :D
    Your husband sounds like a great guy if he is even willing to take his mother-in-law when he goes ;-)

  18. Visting from your SIL's. You are the second blogger I red today with PMS... I wonder if women cycle virtually.

    Great post!

  19. Hello, just saying hi from your sil's site. Have a great day....

  20. LOL. OH, I no the feeling. Too well. Anything can set off the tears and the anger, at the same time, no less! And Greg knows better than to say, "Is this PMS?" Instead, he waits a couple of days and will ask, "Was that PMS?" LOL I'm visting over from "in the trenches" ~ enjoyed!

  21. hahahaha...I too recently wrote about PMS...yours made me laugh...and relate. and, um, yeah, grandkids???? you look like you're 35! which, technically you could be a grandma, but I'm guessing it's more down to a-MA-zing genes...what's up with that???
