Friday, July 31, 2009

Bedside Manners

Do you know how sometimes you luck out and find a really good doctor, and you think wow this is to good to be true. I am a wimp when it comes to dentist, I would rather go Thur childbirth than to go to a dentist ( it's the whole needle in the mouth thing ) they have to give me Happy Gas to even clean my teeth and a root canal I turn into a 2 year old un-ruly child. I had a tooth extracted today. Dr. James Morrison ( yeah Jim Morrison ) was great he put me at ease even before he gave me the Happy Juice. This happened at 12:20 pm at 5:00 pm I get a call from him not his nurse or other staff member but from him explaining to me the whole procedure again, why it took so long, telling me to make sure I beat the pain by taking my pain med. and icing it because of all the swelling and he would call tomorrow to check on me again. WOW!!And here I thought that kind of bedside manner was gone with house calls.


  1. Ugggh! Thank goodness that is over!! And thank goodness you have found such a wonderful dentist! It can make all the difference!

  2. I'm glad it all went well!
